Make the most of your closet.


New to consignment?

Here's how it works:

We accept consignment by appointment only. MAXIMUM 20 items per consignor per appointment.

Check out this beautiful GLAMOUR page of Spring 2025 trends

to watch for!

First things first, book your appointment!

We offer 20 minute consignment times by appointment. To claim your consignment appointment, click the ‘Book a Consignment’ button above and type your information into your desired appointment date- You will receive a confirmation email when the appointment is booked properly. Appointment times tend to fill up 1-2 months in advance, so make sure you’re singing up ASAP!

GET up to date:

We take items based on SEASON, STYLE, and BRAND. Please leave your fast fashions at home and make sure to check out our ‘Pinterest’ link before you pack your bags!

on the day of your appointment,

We ask that you bring in no more than 20 items to ensure each appointment time stays within its intended 20 minutes.

When you arrive, bring your bin or bags to the counter and your appointment will begin!

Generally, the consignor will see their items on our sales floor within 1-2 weeks of their consignment appointment date.

Stay to shop on the date of your appointment to receive 20% off of one full priced item!!!

what’s next?

Once your items have been put on the sales floor, we will try to help you sell them for 60 days total! After the first 30 days, items are marked down in increments each week leading up to expiration.


If you have any items approaching expiration that you do NOT want us to donate, please make sure you give us at least a weeks notice to hold them for pickup! We will hold the items for -10 days- after they expire.

keep an eye on your consignment…

We offer the ability to manage your consigned items online! Upon your first consignment drop-off ENTRY, you will receive a login number and password through your e-mail to your Consignor Access account.

Here, you will be able to see your items expirations dates, the amount you received for each item, and the total amount of credit you have available!

Did you forget your password and login number? Contact us and we will send you an e-mail refreshing your login information.

consingor/store split:

Ready to receive a payment for the items you’ve sold? Once you have accumulated a balance of at least $15, stop by the shop to receive your check or to use your store credit!

We offer a 40% split for the items sold when receiving payment in the form of a check, and a 50/50 split if you decide to use your balance as store credit!

Need to check on your consignor account? Click below!